Stirrings and Offerings

I am brand new to blogging. This opportunity is both exciting and a bit frightening for me. I have wrestled with how to organize my thoughts and prepare my methods. 

Two words have emerged as I’ve pondered and prayed: 

Stirrings and Offerings.

Stirrings - I have written short articles infrequently in the past years, for our Cadence team, for retreats, or newsletters. For me, the process of putting in writing those times or lessons I want to remember is so beneficial.  It’s as if the stirrings of my soul can then become an offering from my heart.

My column in the Cadence Mission News is called “Soul Stirrings.” In this blog I will be able to share those writings outside my Cadence family, and I can expand the categories of written expression.

Offerings – Today we have so much privileged access to resources, writings, teaching, and wisdom. Sharing some of my thoughts on a blog can feel to me both like a drop in the bucket and like excess. So what is the point?

In our home I keep a well-stocked pantry. Our children (from about middle school age on) and their friends are welcome to help themselves from the food in there, which I hope is both enjoyable and nourishing. Some weeks hardly any snacks are taken, and some weeks I see three teenage boys walk out of our kitchen with fists full of goodies. These are my offerings – available and accessible.

In this spot in cyber space, perhaps God will take what He is stirring in my heart and make it something that is enjoyable or nourishing for someone else. He can do with it as He pleases. I will make the offering.